Hi players! I hope you had a great Christmas, even though the holiday spirit is ending. But what do you know? Have more fun! At UnblockedGames66ez.org, we have something really cool planned for you. We’re still in the Christmas spirit with our newest blog post, which is all about the coolest Christmas games out there.

Even though the holiday is over, who says you can’t still play games that are fun for the holidays? We’ve opened up a bunch of wonderful virtual gifts that will keep you feeling happy on your screens.
Best Christmas Games To Catch
Hitman 3

Agent 47 is going to town. Hitman 3 is now a live-service monster that combines the first three games into one big present. That means it’s always getting new information, which also means there are fun events. We had to keep a house safe from Harry and Marv (yes, the Home Alone guys) last year. Instead of setting complicated traps, you get to shoot them in the back of the head. McCallister is no longer a child.
My grandmother would probably think it was weird if I told her I was spending Christmas dressed up as Santa shooting home invaders with a silenced gun. It would be great for the humbugs.
Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City

This one is a bit of a surprise, but bear with me. In the Dark Souls 3, you can go to the Furtive Pygmy’s home world from the first game. We find the horrible things that Gwyn did to them, which shows his dirty exploits. But Slave Knight Gael, who honestly just looks like Santa, is at the center of it all. Merry Christmas, scrooges! Here’s a game where you can kill Old Saint Nick himself.
There are many reasons why I don’t like Christmas, and I’m sure you do too. When you have a lot of bad holiday memories, it can be hard to enjoy the season. But there are ways to tune out the noise and make the holidays your own again.
That’s always been Killing Floor and the Christmas special of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia for me. Of course, it’s not normal, but it’s something. Hitman or Dark Souls are good games to play if you’re not feeling the Christmas spirit and don’t have three ghosts on hand to help you. Who knows, maybe it will be a happy Christmas after all.
Killing Floor

Fill the halls with bravery and honor. There’s nothing more Christmas-y than killing Zs with a shotgun while dressed as Santa and splattering their blood over the gift piles so kids will wake up to a nice red holiday.
Killing Floor has always added holiday seasons to both games, which is always fun. It’s such a striking contrast to see typical Christmas decorations and themes in a dark, dystopian world where only death counts. But whaling on gingerbread Zs is just relaxing.

Some Yakuza games take place around Christmas, though this isn’t always stressed. It’s an oddly fitting time for the franchise’s slightly cheesy but always awesome way of telling stories. In some games, like Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami, the holidays are just a background. But that’s not always the case.
In Yakuza 5, Saejima dresses up as Santa to fight a group of bad guys who are experts at finding the jolly figure. This isn’t the only side quest that has a direct connection to Christmas. Sega’s Yakuza series isn’t really linked to Christmas because the games don’t have anything to do with it, but it’s still a great game for the holiday season.
Tom Clancy’s The Division

The setting of Tom Clancy’s The Division is like that of Dead Rising 4. A virus spread through New York City just after Thanksgiving, also known as “Black Friday.” People were getting ready for the holidays. There was a lot of chaos in the city, and the government did everything it could to keep it under control.
Around the holidays, players are sent in as The Division, an elite special operations team, to restore order. Even though it’s not Christmas yet, the city is still decorated for the holiday and looks just as inviting as ever, even though it has a disease that can kill. The Division is hard to suggest these days because of its better follow-up, but the first game is still a good third-person shooter with a cool setting.
Parasite Eve

This story takes place around Christmas Eve. One of the best RPGs from the 1990s, it takes the best parts of both Final Fantasy and Resident Evil and puts them together. The player takes on the part of Aya Brea, a detective.
One night she goes to the opera and finds that everyone else is on fire except her. She needs to find the cause, kill the mutations, and keep Christmas safe. People have always thought of New York City as a great place for a Christmas story, even in horror RPGs.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is another Christmas-themed superhero game. Like Parasite Eve, it takes place in New York City. The story is mostly about Miles going home from school to spend the holidays with his family and friends. Evil has another plan for the new spider-hero, which is a shame.
Miles has to watch over his own land by himself while Peter is away taking care of other things. This game is a good way to get to know Miles because it tells you about his past and how he is different from Peter Parker. The game isn’t as long as Marvel’s Spider-Man and a lot of the same assets are used, but it’s still a great experience. Along with that, the spin-off slightly improves the fighting and movement systems, making it better than the main game in a few key ways. People who want to play Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 shouldn’t miss this sequel.
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

One of Konami’s less popular games is Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, which didn’t come out in the West when it was first released. The game is now available in a few collections, but its predecessor and the much more famous Metal Gear Solid games still make it much more popular.
In this game, the main character, Solid Snake, goes to Zanzibar on Christmas Eve to stop another deadly mech attack. You may recognize Zanzibarland because it is talked about a lot in Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear 2 is clearly getting old, but it was still a big deal for the spy genre, and the gameplay is a lot like the first MGS.
Wrapping Up
Gamers, that’s a wrap on our post-Christmas gaming spree! Hope you were able to get some epic titles to keep the festive vibe going strong. The holidays might be winding down, but our screens stay lit with awesome Christmas games. Grab your gear, rally the squad, and let the post-holiday gaming marathon begin!
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